ora dental studio
gold coast · river north · south loop · west loop · wicker park

porcelain crowns and bridges

Like porcelain fillings, porcelain crowns and bridges are tooth colored, enamel-like restorations fabricated by a highly skilled dental technician and permanently bonded to your existing tooth. While a porcelain filling (inlay or onlay) only covers a portion of the tooth, a porcelain crown covers the entire tooth surface.

Porcelain crowns are completed in 2 appointments and are indicated to:

  • restore the natural anatomy of teeth that are severely worn, fractured or decayed
  • protect and strengthen teeth that have large fillings or have undergone root canal therapy
  • replace old, defective metal-based porcelain crowns

Porcelain bridges are completed in 2 appointments and are indicated to:

  • fill a space to replace missing teeth
  • replace old, defective metal-based porcelain bridges
  • splint together loose, periodontally involved teeth
Visit the Gallery to view before and after pictures of teeth restored with porcelain crowns and bridges by our talented and skilled clinicians.

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